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Park Board Meetings




A Special Meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners of the Wilmette Park District will be held at 7:30 p.m., on May 8th, 2023. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Village Hall.  

Upcoming Park Board Meetings

Board of Park Commissioners Meetings for May 1-31, 2023

Updated 4/27/2023

DatesTimeMeeting Type / Location
Monday, May 8*7:30 p.m.
  1. Special Park Board Meeting
  2. Regular Park Board Meeting
  3. Annual Meeting

/ Village Hall Council Chambers

Monday, May 226:30 p.m.Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting / Mallinckrodt Center “Big Room”

About the Meetings

The Wilmette Park District’s Board of Park Commissioners meets for a Regular Monthly Park Board Meeting on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Wilmette Village Hall Council Chambers, 2nd floor, 1200 Wilmette Avenue in Wilmette.

2023 Regular Monthly Board Meeting Dates

* The Annual Meeting will be held immediately following the Regular Board Meeting.

** Denotes change in regular meeting schedule.

Special Meetings are scheduled as needed. Notice will be given in accordance with Paragraph 42.02 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act in the event of cancellation or change in date, time, or location of any meeting.

The Park Board changed its committee meeting structure in June 2022. In lieu of the previous structure-seven separate committee meetings each month-the entire Board of Park Commissioners now meets monthly as a Committee-of-the-Whole (COW).

COW Meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of each month in the Mallinckrodt Center, 1041A Ridge Road in Wilmette.

2023 Committee-of-the-Whole (COW) Meeting Dates

**Denotes change in regular meeting schedule.

Special Meetings are scheduled as needed. Notice will be given in accordance with Paragraph 42.02 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act in the event of cancellation or change in date, time, or location of any meeting.